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Caledonian Modular starts work on £121 million contract for phase one of Defence College of Technical Training



Caledonian Modular, part of the Caledonian Group, has commenced work on a £121 million Ministry of Defence (MoD)/Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) contract for Hercules, a joint venture between Kier Group and Balfour Beatty. The project at Lyneham, Wiltshire, will transform the former RAF airbase into the new Defence College of Technical Training.
喀里多尼亚模块化,是喀里多尼亚集团的一部分,已经开始了一项价值1.21亿英镑的国防部(MoD)/国防基础设施组织(DIO)合同的工作,该合同是Kier集团和Balfour Beatty的合资企业之间的合同。这个在威尔特郡莱纳姆的项目将把前英国皇家空军基地改造成新的国防技术训练学院。

As part of Phase I of the overall project, the new facility will provide a total of 1139 bedrooms plus communal rooms and entrance foyers at a value to Caledonian Modular of £27.5m. Specified to an equivalent standard of a three-star hotel, each of the new individual bedroom units installed by Caledonian will comprise wardrobe, desk, lighting and power fittings, an ensuite shower room and curtains. Each individual facility will be 90 per cent fitted out before leaving the Newark-based factory.
Caledonian Modular, the UK’s largest offsite volumetric construction company, started offsite factory production of the first units this week. Modules will start to be delivered to site in late September 2014. Onsite construction of the 12 modular buildings is due to be completed and handed over to Hercules by June 2015. MoD staff and students will start to arrive at the college that autumn.
英国最大的非现场建筑公司Caledonian Modular本周开始了第一批单元的非现场工厂生产。模块将于2014年9月底开始交付现场。12座模块化建筑的现场施工将于2015年6月完成并移交给赫拉克勒斯。国防部的工作人员和学生将于今年秋天开始到学校报到。

Caledonian’s off site production methods meet Hercules’ criteria on sustainable construction. The project has a DREAM (Defence Related Environmental Assessment Methodology) Excellent rating. Over 25% of the module can be manufactured from A+ rated product of which some 25% are from recycled sources. The company typically recycles 97.5% of its factory waste. Offsite construction means an 80% reduction in traffic to site of product and people.

The Caledonian Group Managing Director, Derrick Tyler said;

Caledonian集团董事总经理Derrick Tyler说;

“We won Phase I of the Lyneham project in a competitive tender. Offsite construction offers best value, speed and ease of construction to the MOD as it continues in its programme to upgrade the defence estate.

“Caledonian Modular has a long history of delivering high value projects to the MOD. We have delivered 13,000+ Single Living Accommodation (SLA) units to 39 sites across England and Wales. In 2003, we began production on Project SLAM, our largest MoD delivery programme and to date we have delivered more than 10,000 SLA on that contract alone.”

“Caledonian Modular公司在向MOD交付高价值项目方面有着悠久的历史。我们已经向英格兰和威尔士的39个地点交付了13000 +单人居住住房(SLA)单元。2003年,我们开始了SLAM项目的生产,这是我们最大的MoD交付项目,到目前为止,单是这份合同,我们就交付了超过10,000 SLA。”

Roger Frost, Balfour Beatty Project Director said:

Roger Frost, Balfour Beatty项目总监说:

“One of the major benefits of using modular systems in construction projects is that high levels of safety; productivity and quality can be reached for our clients. We are looking forward to working with Caledonian. Our combined work will support the accommodation needs of service men and women here at MoD Lyneham.”

Other key SLA contracts include the ongoing Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME) PFI, the Royal Naval Training Establishment ‘Flagship’ project at HMS Collingwood, HMS Excellent and HMS Raleigh; and the prestigious MOD Headquarters at Northwood.”

SLA的其他关键合同包括正在进行的皇家军事工程学院PFI,皇家海军训练基地“旗舰”项目,在HMS Collingwood, HMS Excellent和HMS Raleigh;以及位于诺斯伍德的国防部总部。”





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