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Marriott is building the tallest modular hotel in the world in NYC — and it’s expected to only take 90 days to assemble

Apr 19, 2019, 2:21 AM

The AC Hotel New York NoMad is expected to open in late 2020. 
Danny Forster & Architecture

  • Marriott is building the world’s tallest modular hotel in New York City, Bloomberg reported.据彭博社报道,万豪正在纽约建造世界上最高的模块化酒店。

  • The 360-foot-tall tower’s 168 guest rooms will be prefabricated in Poland, and then the “modules” will be shipped to New York.这座360英尺高的大厦共有168间客房,将在波兰预制,然后这些“模块”将运往纽约。

  • Each module will come fully-outfitted with beds, sheets, pillow, flooring, and even toiletries. 每个模块都配备了床,床单,枕头,地板,甚至洗漱用品。

  • Once they arrive, they’ll be assembled in just 90 days, according to Marriott.据万豪酒店说,它们一旦抵达,只需90天就可以组装完毕。

The world’s tallest modular hotel is coming to New York City.


The 360-foot-tall AC Hotel New York NoMad will include 168 guest rooms that will be built in a factory in Poland before being shipped to the city.

这座360英尺高的AC Hotel New York NoMad酒店将包括168间客房,这些客房将在波兰的一家工厂建造,然后运往纽约。

Once they arrive, the tower will be erected in just 90 days, according to Marriott. 


The fully-assembled modules will be shipped from Poland to NYC. 
Danny Forster & Architecture

The construction process in North America is “ripe for innovation,” Marriott’s chief development officer in North America, Eric Jacobs, said in a press release. “The world’s tallest modular hotel in one of the world’s greatest destinations will act as a game-changing symbol to ignite even greater interest in modular among the real estate and lending industries,” he said.

万豪北美地区首席开发官埃里克·雅各布斯(Eric Jacobs)在一份新闻稿中表示,北美地区的建设过程“创新的时机已经成熟”。“世界上最高的模块化酒店位于世界上最伟大的目的地之一,它将成为一个改变游戏规则的象征,在房地产和贷款行业中激起更大的兴趣,”他说。

The 168 prefabricated guest rooms will arrive in New York City fully constructed. Each “module” will house a fully outfitted hotel room complete with beds, sheets, pillow, flooring, and toiletries. 


Each module will arrive fully outfitted with beds, sheets, pillow, flooring, and toiletries. 
Danny Forster & Architecture

The hotel, which is expected to cost $65 million to build, will be topped off with a modular roof and a modular rooftop bar, but the restaurant and lobby will be built using traditional construction methods.


According to Bloomberg, one benefit of a modular hotel for guests is quieter rooms.


A modular hotel typically results in quieter rooms because guest rooms don’t share walls. 
Danny Forster & Architecture

“In traditional construction, a hotel room usually shares a wall with its neighbor, but modular designs typically call for an insulated gap between rooms,” Patrick Clark wrote. 


New report shows that the modular construction business is booming


August 16, 2019

The modular units for Carmel Place in NYC under construction. (Courtesy nARCHITECTS)

According to the recently released Commercial Construction Index (CCI), an economic indicator that tracks trends in the commercial construction industry, demand for modular construction is on the rise, and general contractors expect the trend to continue.


Modular construction uses prefabricated and preassembled building components that are built in a factory and shipped to the job site for assembly. They meet the same standards and use the same materials as a traditional building but, advocates say, they offer a range of additional benefits. 


As reported by The National Real Estate Investor, over the last five years, the modular construction business has doubled in size to become an $8 billion industry. What amounts for the new interest? Previous studies have shown that increased productivity and lower costs are driving contractors to embrace modular construction. Now, with materials costs continuing to rise around the world, these potential savings have become even more critical. But they’re not the only issue. The CCI study found that more than 70 percent of surveyed contractors reported eight clear benefits of modular construction: increases in efficiency, productivity, safety, and quality; reductions in risk, cost, material waste, and construction times—an particularly important benefit for revenue-earning buildings whose owners want to start collecting rent as soon as possible.


A few of those benefits go hand-in-hand with one another, but the report is promising for the industry. The nonprofit Modular Building Institute also predicts an increase in modular construction over the next few years. However, in their view, it’s not just the above-mentioned benefits driving change, it’s also the accelerating loss of skilled labor that will push the industry further toward industrialization and automation.


The reports are a potential boon for the industry, which hit some bumps during what might be called its “start-up” phase a few years ago. Notably, 461 Dean Street in Brooklyn’s Pacific Park development hit setbacks that included manufacturing disruptions, disputes, and delays that ultimately lead to a four-year construction period and giving it, as AN wrote at the time, “the dubious honor of having one of the most languid construction timelines for a tower of its size in city history.” The plan for more modular buildings in Pacific Park was abandoned, but, after the project got back on track, the building now stands as a model of the potential and the pitfalls of modular construction.  


Each module is fastened to the one directly below by a system of sunken bolts. 每个模块通过一个凹螺栓系统直接固定在下面的模块上。(Courtesy Stephen B. Jacobs/DeSimone Consulting Engineers)

The stories that have since followed have suffered from fewer hiccups, like the 21-story CitizenM New York. The tallest modular hotel in the United States, the CitizenM is composed of 210 modular units, each housing two hotel rooms. Housing, hotels, and hospitals, which depend on the repetition of identical rooms and spaces, are the areas that stand to benefit the most and, in turn, drive the growth of modular construction.  

从那以后,《纽约市民》(CitizenM New York)等21层楼高的报纸就很少出现问题。CitizenM是美国最高的模块化酒店,由210个模块化单元组成,每个单元包含两个酒店房间。住房、酒店和医院依赖于相同的房间和空间的重复,是受益最大的领域,反过来,推动了模块化建设的增长。

What could stall the rise of modular construction? Upfront costs can be large and securing loans can be difficult. And although the manufacturing technology is becoming more sound, the much-touted savings aren’t as significant as predicted yet. That could change as demand rises, as more factories are built to produce modular components, and as other factors, like the use of autonomous vehicles to reduce shipping costs and advancements in BIM make it easier to build stronger partnerships between architect, fabricator, and contractor. The last hurdle? A lack of awareness. More than 70 percent of general contractors say their reason for not using modular construction is that clients aren’t asking for them and architects aren’t designing them.


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