






“Do it yourself” (“DIY”) is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals. Academic research describes DIY as behaviors where “individuals engage raw and semi-raw materials and parts to produce, transform, or reconstruct material possessions, including those drawn from the natural environment (e.g., landscaping)”. DIY behavior can be triggered by various motivations previously categorized as marketplace motivations (economic benefits, lack of product availability, lack of product quality, need for customization), and identity enhancement (craftsmanship, empowerment, community seeking, uniqueness).


The term “do-it-yourself” has been associated with consumers since at least 1912 primarily in the domain of home improvement and maintenance activities.The phrase “do it yourself” had come into common usage (in standard English) by the 1950s, in reference to the emergence of a trend of people undertaking home improvement and various other small craft and construction projects as both a creative-recreational and cost-saving activity.

至少从1912年起,“自己动手”这个词就和消费者联系在一起了,主要是指家居装饰和维修活动。到了20世纪50年代,短语“do it yourself”(自己动手)已经被普遍使用(在标准英语中),指的是一种趋势的出现,人们把改善家居环境和各种其他的小工艺品和建筑工程作为一种创造性的娱乐和节约成本的活动

Subsequently, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY is associated with the international alternative rock, punk rock, and indie rock music scenes, indymedia networks, pirate radio stations, and the zine community. In this context, DIY is related to the Arts and Crafts movement, in that it offers an alternative to modern consumer culture’s emphasis on relying on others to satisfy needs. It has also become prevalent in the personal finance. When investing in the stock one can utilize a professional advisor or partake in do-it-yourself investing.


The DIY movement is a re-introduction (often to urban and suburban dwellers) of the old pattern of personal involvement and use of skills in the upkeep of a house or apartment, making clothes; maintenance of cars, computers, websites; or any material aspect of living. The philosopher Alan Watts (from the “Houseboat Summit” panel discussion in a 1967 edition of the San Francisco Oracle) reflected a growing sentiment:


Our educational system, in its entirety, does nothing to give us any kind of material competence. In other words, we don’t learn how to cook, how to make clothes, how to build houses, how to make love, or to do any of the absolutely fundamental things of life. The whole education that we get for our children in school is entirely in terms of abstractions. It trains you to be an insurance salesman or a bureaucrat, or some kind of cerebral character.


In the 1970s, DIY spread through the North American population of college- and recent-college-graduate age groups. In part, this movement involved the renovation of affordable, rundown older homes. But it also related to various projects expressing the social and environmental vision of the 1960s and early 1970s. The young visionary Stewart Brand, working with friends and family, and initially using the most basic of typesetting and page-layout tools, published the first edition of The Whole Earth Catalog (subtitled Access to Tools) in late 1968.

20世纪70年代,DIY在北美大学和新近大学毕业生群体中流行开来。在某种程度上,这一运动涉及改造经济适用的、破旧的老房子。但它也与表达60年代和70年代初社会和环境愿景的各种项目有关。年轻有远见的Stewart Brand,与朋友和家人一起工作,最初使用最基本的排版和页面布局工具,在1968年末出版了第一版的《全球目录》(副标题为《获取工具》)。

The first Catalog, and its successors, used a broad definition of the term “tools”. There were informational tools, such as books (often technical in nature), professional journals, courses, classes, and the like. There were specialized, designed items, such as carpenters’ and masons’ tools, garden tools, welding equipment, chainsaws, fiberglass materials and so on — even early personal computers. The designer J. Baldwin acted as editor to include such items, writing many of the reviews. The Catalog’s publication both emerged from and spurred the great wave of experimentalism, convention-breaking, and do-it-yourself attitude of the late 1960s. Often copied, the Catalog appealed to a wide cross-section of people in North America and had a broad influence.

第一个目录及其后续的目录使用了“工具”一词的广义定义。有信息工具,如书籍(通常是技术性的)、专业期刊、课程、课程等等。有专门设计的项目,如木工和石匠的工具,园艺工具,焊接设备,链锯,玻璃纤维材料等,甚至早期的个人电脑。设计师j·鲍德温(J. Baldwin)担任编辑,将这类物品包括在内,撰写了许多评论。《目录》的出版既是从20世纪60年代末的实验主义、打破常规和自己动手的态度中产生的,也是对这些态度的鞭策。由于经常被复制,该目录吸引了北美各界人士,并产生了广泛的影响。

DIY home improvement books burgeoned in the 1970s, first created as collections of magazine articles. An early, extensive line of DIY how-to books was created by Sunset Books, based upon previously published articles from their magazine, Sunset, based in California. Time-Life, Better Homes and Gardens, Balcony Garden Web and other publishers soon followed suit.

DIY家居装饰书籍在20世纪70年代兴起,最初是作为杂志文章的收藏而出现的。日落图书公司(Sunset books)根据其位于加州的杂志《日落》(Sunset)此前发表的文章,创立了一个较早、范围较广的DIY指导书籍系列。时间-生活,更好的家园和花园,阳台花园网和其他出版商很快跟进。

In the mid-1990s, DIY home-improvement content began to find its way onto the World Wide Web. HouseNet was the earliest bulletin-board style site where users could share information. HomeTips.com, established in early 1995, was among the first Web-based sites to deliver free extensive DIY home-improvement content created by expert authors.[citation needed] Since the late 1990s, DIY has exploded on the Web through thousands of sites.


In the 1970s, when home video (VCRs) came along, DIY instructors quickly grasped its potential for demonstrating processes by audio-visual means. In 1979, the PBS television series This Old House, starring Bob Vila, premiered and this spurred a DIY television revolution. The show was immensely popular, educating people on how to improve their living conditions (and the value of their house) without the expense of paying someone else to do (as much of) the work. In 1994, the HGTV Network cable television channel was launched in the United States and Canada, followed in 1999 by the DIY Network cable television channel. Both were launched to appeal to the growing percentage of North Americans interested in DIY topics, from home improvement to knitting. Such channels have multiple shows showing how to stretch one’s budget to achieve professional-looking results (Design CentsDesign on a Dime, etc.) while doing the work yourself. Toolbelt Diva specifically caters to female DIYers.

在20世纪70年代,当家庭录像(VCRs)出现的时候,DIY指导员很快抓住了它通过视听手段演示过程的潜力。1979年,由鲍勃·维拉(Bob Vila)主演的PBS电视剧《老房子》(This Old House)首播,这引发了一场DIY电视革命。这个节目非常受欢迎,教育人们如何改善他们的生活条件(和他们的房子的价值),而不用花钱请别人做(同样多的)工作。1994年在美国和加拿大推出了HGTV网络有线电视频道,1999年又推出了DIY网络有线电视频道。这两款产品的推出都是为了吸引越来越多的北美人对DIY感兴趣,从家居装修到针织。这样的频道有多个节目,展示如何在自己做工作的同时,将预算延伸到看起来很专业的结果(设计美分,廉价的设计,等等)。工具带Diva专门迎合女性diy。

Beyond magazines and television, the scope of home improvement DIY continues to grow online where most mainstream media outlets now have extensive DIY-focused informational websites such as This Old House, Martha Stewart, Hometalk, and the DIY Network. These are often extensions of their magazine or television brand. The growth of independent online DIY resources is also spiking.[9] The number of homeowners who blog about their experiences continues to grow, along with DIY websites from smaller organizations.

除了杂志和电视,家居DIY的范围还在网上不断扩大,现在大多数主流媒体都有大量专注于DIY的信息网站,比如This Old House、Martha Stewart、Hometalk和DIY Network。这些通常是他们杂志或电视品牌的延伸。独立在线DIY资源的增长也在激增。越来越多的房主在博客上分享他们的经历,还有一些小型组织的DIY网站。



面对百年未有之大变局,提高自己的动手能力、生存能力显得尤为重要。如果你想从DIY自己的tiny house开始,轻钢装配式结构可以让你体验到像搭积木一样造房子的乐趣




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