
首页 朱明之关于建筑-公众号 欧洲如何应对洪水之一种铝合金防洪墙(防洪闸)



In the year 2013, most of central Europe suffered a very wet spring season and in some regions, the month of May generated the highest levels of rainfall since 

weather records began. At the end of May / start of June, a complex low pressureweather system over the Adriatic Sea, coupled with a Mediterranean low over 

North Africa produced an exceptionally high level of rainfall intensity, followed

by levels of fl ooding which were to be classifi ed as the extreme events of the  

century. The hydrographyof Austria recorded, in Vienna, the highest run off values ever taken since records began in 1830 at approximately 11,000 m³/s of run off, overtaking the previous record value of 10,500m³/s from the year 1899.

In fourteen market towns (or municipalities) including Linz, through the Machland via the power plant stage at Ybbs, and through the Wachau to Kloster Neuburg,

shortly before the gates of Vienna, demountable IBS fl ood protection walls were deployed as protection against the oncoming Danube fl oods across a total

length of over 11km. In Linz in the year 2007, IBS handed over the fi rst major 

system to the operators, the StateCity of Linz. At a length of almost one kilometre, thefl ood protection wall measuring approximately 2,250m2 was erected with 

approx. 3,160 dam beams and approx.310 posts; once erected, the Danube fl ooding level of up to 3.50m above road level could be resisted. The largest 

demountable fl ood protection system in Austria in terms of surface area was handed over in April 2010 in Weißenkirchen in the Wachau region. At a length of 

almost 3 kilometres, approx. 8,800 dam beams and associated posts are

utilised, giving a total wall area of 6,350m². The highest and most spectacular 

demountable wallwas completed in December 2010 in Grein. With a total barrier height of 3.60m on a 1.0m-high base wall, the system protects the land behind it 

to a fl ood level of 4.60m at the upstream end of the site – a height which is equal 

to the upper storeys of the adjacent properties.The fl ood protection measures in the municipality of Grein were erected within the scope of the Machland dam

project in the name of Machland Damm GmbH as one of a total of 6 demountable wall sections. On 25 August 2012, the main protection measures for the

Machland dam were declared as completed.Less than a year later in June 2013, it was proven that the locations of Linz, Mauthausen, Naarn, Mitterkirchen,

Baumgartenberg, Saxen, Grein, Ybbs, Persenbeug, Spitz,Oberarnsdorf, 

Rührsdorf, Weißenkirchen and KlosterNeuburg were able to successfully defend against the fl ood of the century through the deployment of a total of approximatey 25,000m² of IBS demountable fl ood protection walls. In Grein, the fl ood level peaked at around 5cm below the top of the barrier, just before it would have over

fl owed the 4.60m-high protection wall.

All of these systems were constructed in good time to their full heights and 

continued to remain entirely reliable whilst the peak river levels continued, as the 

fl ood run off and lowering of levels was extremely slow. Due to the superb 

performance of the IBS systems, it was clear to the affected communities and 

on lookers that they could place maximum trust in their local defences.

The drama of this event can only be realised in retrospect;the demountable fl ood protection systems, which had only just been completed, were immediately 

subjected to the maximum assumed extremes. Rescue forces were required to 

conduct the largest possible logistics and construction management procedures,

and residents were subjected to constant positive and negative prognosis, 

uncertain whether the protection heights would prove suffi cient or would overfl ow.

Superb teamwork from rescue forces, residents, authorities,politicians and the 

associated project engineers allowed each community to return to everyday life

within the shortest possible time; businesses resumed operation, holidaymakers and visitors utilised the river promenades once again, and the property and 

belongings of many thousands of people remained undamaged

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作者: ganggouren



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